css invert color

September 24th, 2020


filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg)



.invert {

filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg)



CSS, Style

PHP export Excel Currency Style

April 17th, 2013

<html xmlns:o=”urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office”
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd”>
<meta http-equiv=”Content-type” content=”text/html;charset=utf-8″ />
<style id=”Classeur1_16681_Styles”>
.hkd {
  mso-number-format: “\0022HKD\0022\#\,\#\#0\.00”;
.usd {
  mso-number-format: “\0022USD\0022\#\,\#\#0\.00”;
  mso-number-format: “\0022$\0022\#\,\#\#0\.00”;

<div id=”Classeur1_16681″ align=center x:publishsource=”Excel”>
<td class=”usd”>123,456</td>

Other format

  • Plain Text: mso-number-format:\@
  • Format a number to 2 decimal places: mso-number-format:”0\.00″
  • Comma separators with 2 decimal places: mso-number-format:\#\,\#\#0\.00
  • Date \ Time Formating:
  • American date: mso-number-format:mm\/dd\/yy
  • Month name: mso-number-format:d\\-mmm\\-yyyy
  • Date and Time: mso-number-format:d\/m\/yyyy\ h\:mm\ AM\/PM
  • Short Date: mso-number-format:”Short Date” (05/06/2011)
  • Medium Date: mso-number-format:”Medium Date” (10-jan-2011)
  • Short Time: mso-number-format:”Short Time” (8:67)
  • Medium Time: mso-number-format:”Medium Time” (8:67 AM)
  • Long Time: mso-number-format:”Long Time”  (8:67:25:00)
  • Percentage: mso-number-format:Percent (To two decimal places)
  • Scientific Notation: mso-number-format:”0\.E+00″
  • Fractions – up to 3 digits: mso-number-format:”\#\ ???\/???”
  • Currency (£12.76): mso-number-format:”\0022£\0022\#\,\#\#0\.00″
  • 2 decimals, negative numbers in red and signed: mso-number-format:”\#\,\#\#0\.00_ \;\[Red\]\-\#\,\#\#0\.00\ ” (1.86-1.66)
  • Accounting Format –5,(5): mso-number-format:”\\#\\,\\#\\#0\\.00_\\)\\;\\[Black\\]\\\\(\\#\\,\\#\\#0\\.00\\\\)”


CSS, PHP, Program, Style

CSS – print next page

June 16th, 2011

page-break-before: always;

CSS, Style ,

CSS – 區別IE6、IE7、IE8、Firefox

June 4th, 2011

以下內容是從 http://sofree.cc/ie6-ie7-ie8-firefox-css-hack/ 轉載




#tip {

background:blue; /*Firefox 背景變藍色*/

background:red \9; /*IE6、IE7、IE8背景變紅色*/


【說明】:因為IE瀏覽器看得懂「\9」,但是非IE的瀏覽器一律看不懂,因此就可以用這個語法來區分IE和 Firefox(非IE瀏覽器,像是Opera、Google Chrome、Safari等),因此以上CSS範例中,非IE瀏覽器是顯示藍色背景,IE系列瀏覽器是顯示紅色背景。 Read more…

CSS, Style , ,

IE bug – Colspan Bug in IE

August 28th, 2010

<table border=”1″ width=”100%”>
<th align=”center” width=”1″><input type=”checkbox” value=”2″ /></th>
<th>Name 1</th>
<th>Name 2</th>
<th>Name 3</th>
<td colspan=”4″>
<input type=”button” name=”it is button 1″ value=”it is button Submit 1″ />
<input type=”button” name=”it is button 2″ value=”it is button Submit 2″ />

My Solution :

<table border=”1″ width=”100%”>
<th align=”center” width=”1″><input type=”checkbox” value=”2″ /></th>
<th>Name 1</th>
<th>Name 2</th>
<th>Name 3</th>
<td colspan=”4″ style=”width:auto;”>
<input type=”button” name=”it is button 1″ value=”it is button Submit 1″ />
<input type=”button” name=”it is button 2″ value=”it is button Submit 2″ />


Vertical Centering in CSS

July 26th, 2010

<title>Universal vertical center with CSS</title>
.greenBorder {border: 1px solid green;} /* just borders to see it */

<div style=”display: table; height: 400px; #position: relative; overflow: hidden;“>
<div style=” #position: absolute; #top: 50%;display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle;“>
<div style=” #position: relative; #top: -50%“>
any text<br>
any height<br>
any content, for example generated from DB<br>
everything is vertically centered


CSS Button

May 29th, 2010

在IE顯示下正常會左右出現一些空白, 只要加以下css, 就會和firefox一樣顯示button的闊度
